
Showing posts from February, 2019

Marijuana Dispensaries in Los Angeles

L.A., the city of angels . Los Angeles is the second most populous city in the United States. Stretching 469 square miles, this mega city is home to world renowned music, food, culture and marijuana . Los Angeles has a rich cannabis culture that can be seen in its numerous cannabis dispensaries and overall acceptance of the plant in the community. Stop by a dispensary to pick up some awesome LA cannabis products.

Azariea Almufleh | 5 Things To Know When Starting Your Marijuana Business

A leading source of financial, legal and other business news for the cannabis industry.  Cannabis Business Times provides latest industry news, legal and financial resources, business opportunities, marijuana compliance, regulations, strategies for growers, cultivators and business owners.  Select your Marijuana Business type:  Understand your State’s Marijuana Program  Secure Real Estate  Build your Team!  Know Your Budget – Raise $ Capital

Azariea Almufleh | cannabis consultant Los Angeles

Cannabis Advising Partners provides full-service licensing , compliance and business services for cultivators, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, microbusinesses and other industry-related companies that operate in the State of California. Building on over 20 years of experience with CA compliance and currently managing 1,300 facilities, we help all types of cannabis-related companies navigate the new and complex requirements that surround everything from the submission of an annual license application, to the broad range of intricate ongoing compliance standards that are mandated by law.